Inner Space

Despite evolving, one thing will always remain constant—space.
"All of us who are in the design business relate to space. Whether it’s the chair, the room, the building, the city, and eventually the outer world." —Travis Price, Travis Price Architects

In the past few weeks, we’ve mentally ventured to the desert for Burning Man; gotten a bird’s-eye view of the global workplace evolution; and traced the benefits of non-ordinary spaces throughout.

We’re taking it home, this week...quite literally.

Perhaps you’ve heard of Travis Price Architects and Travis’ now-previous abode in D.C.’s Rock Creek Park.

Travis is a celebrated author, educator, and philosopher, with award-winning private and public works, who shapes architecture informed by ecology and technology.

“Space matters because it evokes the spirit, the human spirit, and the surroundings that it’s in, space matters most because it is how we spend most of our lives: in space, not out of space.”

With the inevitable economic shifts and incorporation of technology into every facet of human life, the constant that remains is space. Even as we venture to other planets, we inhabit spaces. As Travis suggests, we are an innately emotional species and easily sterilized by spaces—our offices, our restaurants, our homes.

Maybe attending Burning Man and building a 3,500 square foot floating treehouse aren’t quite up your alley...but I encourage you to look at the fundamental message behind these forward-thinking efforts.

Create and embrace the non-ordinary.

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